JavaScript Series: Cheatsheet
A typical thing you do when starting out with a new language is that you go and learn from tutorials, grab a book or watch some videos.
They often focus on many details of every type found in a language and cover most of the functions that operate on them. Too many details often mean too big cognitive load. We struggle to get small things done, often procrastinate. We read more than we practice. Even today I find myself often reading more than practicing when things seem to be too difficult. And I try to change this behavior and challenge myself to write more code. So if I could give you an advice it would be to get your hands dirty coding!
A thing I personally found useful when learning programming languages was a language reference. A simple one-page summary of the most common patterns found in a language with short explanations. Not too many details, just the code, good and bad parts.
I tried to wrap most common constructs below:
// 1. Numbers
// Not A Number - often occurs
// when trying to parse something
// that does not really look like a number, e.g. parseInt(null)
/*** Simple operations ***/
(1 * 2) + (1 / 2) - 1
/*** Detecting if of a number **/
// NaN and Infinity included
typeof myNumber === 'number'
// NaN and Infinity not included
/*** Trying to cast to a number ***/
parseInt('1') // 1
parseInt('1.12') // 1
parseFloat('1') // 1
parseFloat('1.12') // 1.12
parseInt('word'); // NaN
parseFloat('word'); // NaN
parseInt('Infinity') // Infinity
parseFloat('Infinity') // Infinity
+'1.12' // 1.12
+'Infinity' // Infinity
// 2. Strings
"A String"
'A String'
// ES6 Syntax, can be multiline,
// not supported widely across browsers
`A String`
/*** Detecting if a string ***/
typeof myString === 'string'
/*** Simple operations ***/
'John' + ' ' + 'Smith'
`${name} ${surname}` // Given variables name=John and surname=Smith
// will output 'John Smith'
/*** Trying to cast to a string ***/
String(null) // 'null'
String(undefined) // 'undefined'
String(true) // 'true'
String(1) // '1'
String(1.12) // '1.12'
'' + 1.12 // '1.12'
'' + true // 'true'
// 3. Booleans
/*** Detecting if a boolean ***/
typeof myBoolean === 'boolean'
/*** Simple operations ***/
false && true // AND: false
false || true // OR: true
!true // NOT: false
!false // NOT: true
!!true // NOT(NOT): true
/*** Trying to cast to a boolean ***/
Boolean(1); // true
Boolean(0); // false
Boolean('word'); // true
Boolean(''); // false
Boolean(null) // false
Boolean(undefined) // false
!!'word' // true
// 4. Arrays
['an', 'array', 'of', 'strings']
['an', 'array', 'of', 6, 'mixed', 'values']
new Array(1,2,3) // [1,2,3]
Array(3); // [undefined,undefined,undefined]
/*** Detecting if an array ***/
// For older browsers try === '[object Array]'
/*** Simple operations ***/
[6,5,4][0] // take first element: 6
[6,5,4][1] // take second element: 5
[3,2].length // 2
[6,5,4].indexof(6); // 0
[6,5,4].indexof(7); // -1
[6,5,4].includes(4); // true
[3,2,1].sort() // [1,2,3]
[1,2].concat([3,4], [5,6], 7) // [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
/*** Trying to cast to an array ***/
[].concat(1); // [1]
[].concat('word') // ['word']
[].concat(true) // [true]
[].concat([1]) // [1]
[].concat(undefined) // [undefined]
[].concat(null) // [null]
// 5. Objects
{ name: 'John', surname: 'Smith', age: 30 }
username: 'johnny',
details: {
age: 30,
interests: ['music', 'yoga']
new Object({ username: 'johnny' })
Object.create(Object.prototype, { username: { value: 'johnny' } })
// Important: To evaluate object literals in console
// you often need to wrap them with parantheses, e.g.:
({ username: 'johny' })
/*** Detecting if an object ***/
typeof myObject === 'object' && !('length' in myObject)
/*** Simple operations ***/
// Extends an EXISTING object with a new property
Object.assign(myObject, { city: 'NY' })
// Copies an object and extends a COPY rather than original value
Object.assign({}, myObject, { city: 'NY' })
// Removes a property from the existing object
// Trying to cast to an object
// Not really available, use Object.assign
// to extend existing objects if needed
// 6. Functions
// Function Declaration
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
// Function Expression - Anonymous (nameless) function gets assigned to a variable
var add = function (x, y) {
return x + y;
// Functions don't need to take parameters
function () {
return 1; // returns a value
// Functions don't need to return
function () {
doSomething(); // does something but does not return
// returning value is `undefined`
// ES6 Arrow functions
var add = (x, y) => {
return x + y;
// ES6 Short Arrow functions
// Use when you want to only return in the function
var add = (x, y) => x + y;
// IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
var result = (function () {
return 1 + 2
}()) // 3
/*** Binding context - `this` ***/
function age() {
return this.age;
// Returns a FUNCTION that can be then called
age.bind({ age: 30 })
// Calls the function, returns 30{ age: 30 })
// Calls the function, returns 30
age.apply({ age: 30 })
// Important: You CANNOT bind `this` context to an arrow function.
// Returning value will be `undefined`
(() => { return this.age }).call({ age: 30 });
// 7. Other (undefined, null)
// Simple operations
undefined == null // true
undefined === null // false
Just to make it clear - most of the sophisticated operations with these types are not covered in this cheatsheet on purpose. Learn simple things first, then broaden your knowledge. Once you get the basics, we can move on to more advanced language constructs.